Meet the King's!
Ashley & I went to high school together and I was thrilled when she contacted us about a family session. We had a great time!
Aren't they a BEAUTIFUL family?!?
Enjoy :)
Sometimes ones like these are my favorite <3
Ashley is going to have this printed as a canvas for the boy's room!
Cornhole: also known as bean bag toss, corn toss, baggo or bags, is a lawn game in which players take turns throwing corn hole bags at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches the score of 21.
I think this is SO cool that this family plays this together! Can I encourage you to have an activity that you do as a family? It can simply be having a regular movie night or finding a game that everyone loves to play. Either way, the point is that you're spending time together, making memories & enjoying each other!
Mel, Ashley's husband makes these!!!
If you are a Cornholer (is that the right way to put that?)
If you play Cornhole & are interested in purchasing some boards from him let me know!
They are awesome! Look at that paint job!!
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